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Stella’s Circle respectfully acknowledges that it is situated on the ancestral, unceded territory of the Beothuk.
We acknowledge, with respect, the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit
of our province. As Indigenous Peoples have done since time immemorial, we strive to be responsible stewards
of this land and continuously endeavour to take meaningful action toward reconciliation.

Inside front cover (to replace wall of courage).jpg

This Annual Report contains both stories and indicators that demonstrate the impact our programs and services have on individuals in the community who need support to make real change.

March 2020


March 2020

March 12, 2020

CEO Lisa Browne sends COVID-19 update to all Stella’s Circle staff.

March 14, 2020

NL announces 1st presumptive COVID-19 case.

March 18, 2020

Health Minister John Haggie declares a Public Health Emergency.

March 30, 2020

NL reports 1st COVID-19 related death, and reaches 148 cases.

March 31, 2020

Department of Justice releases 27 inmates on Temporary Absence to decrease prison population.

April 2020

April 2020

The Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre converts an exterior window into its signature Welcome Window for the next 12 months, providing walk-up services to help vulnerable people find and remain in safe, affordable and stable housing and prevent homelessness.

April BMHRC welcome window.jpg

Bluedrop Learning Networks leverages the power of social procurement by purchasing nutritious meals from the Hungry Heart Café for families experiencing food insecurity caused by the pandemic. Business like this keeps our participants stably employed, and our kitchen operational during dining room closure before emergency subsidies roll out. With our kitchen open, we start to produce hundreds of Meals Squared.


Government House staff help our participants facing food insecurity by preparing cooked meals once a week that our HHC team portion, package, and deliver.

81 digital devices are put in the hands of participants; 36 cell phones and 45 tablets. Now for the first time, they can visit 811, use Bridge the gApp, connect with friends and family, and get important COVID-19 updates. These are not luxury items — they’re lifelines.


It saved me. I was getting very depressed and unwell without the internet. I’m all alone and it was my only way to stay in touch with my family and friends.

April 1, 2020

1st meeting of the Stella’s Circle staff Food Security Working Group.

April 1, 2020

Stella’s Circle houses 4 inmates on Temporary Absence at Emmanuel House & Naomi Centre.

April 7, 2020

Our Community & Participant Animateur creates a Facebook group for participants as a space for social connection and friendship, as well as some virtual art and music therapy while in-person gatherings are indefinitely cancelled. A separate group page is set up for the Inclusion Choir members.


average age of residents is

23 yrs old.


80.5% of
young women

exit Naomi Centre to more permanent
housing arrangements.



takeaway meals

are given out at the door to former residents to lessen hunger during COVID-19.

April Meals Squared.jpg

Naomi Centre provided me with a place to reside and call my own. They also provided me with different connections in the community. I am forever grateful for all the help and support I was offered from Naomi Centre during the pandemic.


April 28, 2020

1st meeting of the Stella’s Circle staff Technology Committee


Naomi Centre offered me a warm, safe place to rest while also learning about social distancing.

April 9, 2020

1,100 individual Meals Squared have been already prepared for our participants and other vulnerable community members since the onset of COVID-19.


How do you stay safe at home without your own place to live? Could you sit inside all day without Netflix? Smart TVs are installed in Naomi Centre so that the young women can pass time inside while physical distancing.

Naomi TV.jpg

April 28, 2020

17 participants graduate from our Transitions To Work program, after a quick adjustment from the classroom to online learning.

April 30, 2020

Alert Level 5 announced, one household bubble allowed.

May 2020

May 2020

May 11, 2020

NLCU receives $10,000 “Empowering Your Communities” award in recognition of its ground-breaking program in partnership with Stella’s Circle, A Fresh Start With Accounts That Count.

May 4, 2020

NL enacts travel ban for non-residents.

May 7, 2020

The Stella’s Circle Board of Directors and Foundation Board match donations up to $7,000 to support our COVID-19 response during #GivingTuesdayNow.

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May 7, 2020

Fortis confirms donation of $500,000 for COVID-19 community support in NL, including $40,000 for Stella’s Circle.

May Governance board.jpeg

Board of Directors

Jasbir Gill Chair

Stephen Jewczyk Past Chair

Connie Duffett Vice Chair

*Jacqueline Kudla Treasurer

*Baxter Rose Treasurer

Jim Carroll Secretary

Nena Abundo

Charlene Brophy

Miriam Bowlby

Kevin Galway

*Suzanne Fitzgerald

*Michelle Hawco

*Claire Ledrew

*Vanessa McBay

*Mica McCurdy

Joe McKenna

*Kelly-Ann Parsons

Donna Stone

Committee Membership

Cathy Duke
Marketing Committee

Fred Earle
Audit and Finance


*Florence McNeily
United Church Liaison

*Marion Pardy
United Church Liaison

Janelle Robertson

Stephen Thorne
Risk Management

 & Audit and Finance

*Maxine Paul
Risk Management

Member Emeriti

Fred Earle

Rebecca Roome

*Served on the Board/ committee at some point during 2020/21


Foundation Board

Bob Carter Chair

Mark MacLeod Past Chair

*Cathy Duke Vice Chair

Andy Fisher Vice Chair

*Jacqueline Kudla Treasurer

*Baxter Rose Treasurer

Maria Clift

*Robert Decker

Susan Foran

*Paul Fowler

*Paul Griffin

Vanessa Newhook

Ted O’Keefe

*Dan Penney

*Kristen Penney


Stella’s Circle becomes the first community organization to use the Therapy Assisted Online platfrom through Eastern Health. Just Us Women’s Centre uses TAO to connect virtually with the inmates at the NL Correctional Centre for Women in Clarenville and women with justice histories living in the community. Individual counselling, therapeutic group sessions, and peer support drop-in groups are offered April — August until in-person sessions resume. The Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund through United Way of Newfoundland and Labrador plus the NLCU award prize provide tablets and data to these participants to make TAO accessible.

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Just Us staff also deliver care packages of meals, toiletries, and wellness activities to women in the community to offer comfort and help these vulnerable participants stay safe at home.

May Just Us deliveries.jpeg

I do feel lonely and get in a slump but I manage to pull myself out of it by using the tools that were passed on to me. The meals that were dropped off at my house along with the activity book helped break up those long days that seemed like they had no end.


Sometimes it’s so lonely and isolating being alone in the house all the time. All of the virtual stuff allowed me to stay connected and feel a little less alone. I’m so thankful for all that you were able to offer throughout the pandemic.

May 11, 2020

NL enters Alert Level 4. Low-risk outdoor activities resume.

May 25, 2020

George Floyd murdered by Minneapolis police officer.


93% of incarcerated women in NLCCW

participate in Just Us counselling programs.


858 counselling sessions

for women in the community;

546 are virtual.



counselling groups &


individual sessions

offered at NLCCW.

June 2020

June 2020

Black Lives Matter protests become the largest anti-racism movement in Canada.

June 8, 2020

NL moves to Alert Level 3 allowing non-essential retail & reduced in-person dining.

Stella’s Circle Green Team sells

129 raised garden boxes.

400% growth in sales over previous years.

This employment training initiative is offered in partnership with the Conversation Corps NL.

June Green Team.jpg

I enjoyed the work. I enjoyed being outside, especially during COVID, you know? For me especially, I spent a lot of time inside, so just getting out in the sunshine… I got a tan! That’s a farmer’s tan right there — I never had that before.


June 11, 2020

Stella’s Circle develops a Gender Pronoun Guide and launches pronouns in organization email signatures during Pride Month.


7,998 participant employment hours​

worked through Clean Start.


22 participants

transitioned from Clean Start

to competitive employment

in 2021


11% growth in sales

over previous year

June 25, 2020

NL enters Alert Level 2.

Clean Start becomes an essential commercial cleaning service to many business and community agencies. Plus, Clean Start teams provide twice daily deep cleans at both our residential sites, Naomi Centre and Emmanuel House to keep our staff and participants safe and our doors open. Our partnership with Chevron allows us to expand our roster of participant Team Leads with lived experience of barriers to employment.


Clean Start is an excellent opportunity for participants to learn the skills needed in today’s work environment. Its hands-on instruction not only gives the participants general cleaning skills but also the necessary transferable skills that is required to be successful in the workforce. While partnering with this program supports local social enterprise, they also do exceptional work with a smile and friendly conversation.
— Scott Kielly, Parole Officer Supervisor, Correctional Service Canada


It made me feel like I could stand on my own 2 feet. If this was a full-time job, I would not only do well, I would excel at it. Taking that and thinking about it in the future, I feel in 2 or 3 years I could probably be where I never thought I would be — I’d have my own place, my independence. There’s an aspect of dignity. I really felt like I was becoming my own person. I was growing.
— Sheldon Vere-Holloway, Green Team Participant

Executive Staff

Lisa Browne CEO

Denise Hillier
Director of Clinical Services

Rob McLennan
 Director of Employment Services

Karen Noel
 Director of Property and Development

Gail Thornhill
 Director of Housing Services

Melanie Walker
 Director of Corporate Services

June Executive Staff - Directors.jpg

June 25, 2020

The Stella’s Circle Inclusion Choir gathers for the first time during COVID-19, outside on the grounds of Government House. Although choir members remained 2 metres apart, our hearts were full as we reconnected in person.

June Inclusion Choir at Gov House.jpg
July 2020

July 2020

July 3, 2020

Atlantic Bubble opens.

July 10, 2020

The Rotary Club of St. John’s gives an impactful donation to help bridge the digital divide for our participants.

Rotary Club of St. John’s members donated cell phones, chargers and $2,500 toward connectivity costs for minutes and data. With physical distancing measures in place, technology is vital to help our participants stay connected to their social networks, support workers, and other mental health resources.


Picture: Jim Carroll, Rotary Club of St. John’s and CEO Lisa Browne.

July Rotary cell phone donation.jpg

Stella’s Circle has been so helpful throughout the pandemic. By being accessible to everyone, by being present and not losing that sense of connection. I am forever grateful for everyone there.


I’ve learned how to use Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube streaming. I’ve discovered and been using Eventbrite and Facebook event pages every day to find online events to attend. I’ve joined various online song session groups!

July Stella the dog.png

July 14, 2020

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary introduce its 1st support dog, Stella, named after Dr. Stella Burry and her pioneering work in social work and mental health.

August 2020
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August 6, 2020

Stella’s Circle hosts a staff Reward & Recognition event to celebrate incredible employment milestones at our organization.

August 2020


The Community Support Program implements a new process to respond to program referrals with a goal of reducing the amount of time individuals spend on our waitlist. Informed by the research completed by 2 Masters of Psychology students from Memorial University, recommendations included moving toward a stepped model of care; diversifying programming options including peer-led initiatives; and integrating standardized measures to support service prioritization.

8 participants

will come off the waitlist and start with our program before the end of 2020 thanks to this expedited process.


August 24, 2020

Public Health mandates wearing face masks within enclosed public spaces.


Average CSP participant has

2 mental health diagnoses​

with depression, anxietyborderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia as the most common.


35% are over the age of 30​

and experience at least 1 physical health issue, such as diabetes or chronic pain, that also impacts their quality of life.

Participants fill 52 Social Enterprise Training placement seats within our Property & Development division, Clean Start & Home To Stay initiatives for real work experience in cleaning and carpentry,

surpassing our annual target by 10%.

August Sarah mills donation.jpeg

August 24, 2020

Sarah Mills picks up a donation of diabetic supplies for our Community Support Program.


With a goal to reduce the length and number of admissions to hospitals and prisons, the CSP team provides intensive case management to oversee the mental and physical wellbeing of adults living with complex mental health needs.


The Home To Stay program has been one of the most valuable and impactful community programs for the clients I see as an occupational therapist with the Provincial Home Dementia Care Program. The program not only has expertise in accessibility but also awareness and sensitivity to the complex health and social needs of seniors living in the community. Home To Stay is truly making a difference and supporting our clients to realize their goal of staying at home safely.
— Carolyn Chong, Eastern Health


Home To Stay expands its operations to offer small home renos as an eligible contractor with Province’s Residential Construction Rebate program, in addition to modifications that help people age in their homes and maintain their independence.

September 2020

September 2020

September 3, 2020

Premier Furey announces appointment of Dame Moya Greene as Chair of the Premier’s Economic Recovery Team.

We welcome back a full class of adult students for in-person Adult Basic Education instruction. Following the government’s curriculum, our ABE program combines critical literacy skills with experiential learning so that skills can be taken outside the classroom into their next step, whether it’s entering the workforce or continuing on for more education.

September ABE.jpg

Madeline Tucker has been a tenant in Stella’s Circle supportive housing for 4 years. 2020 was really hard on people with mental health challenges, like Madeline, because of the increased isolation. Living here has helped her manage her anxiety better, and our different programs, like painting and Inclusion Choir, help keep her feeling connected.

Housing Tenant MT.jpg

September 27, 2020

Our 5th annual Run For Women concludes with the 3rd highest virtual participation and 4th highest amount of fundraising out of 18 Canadian cities. Thank you to all who took part and donated.

My favourite thing about living in Stella’s Circle housing is that it’s safe. It’s a safe place to live and it’s affordable. That’s the best thing. It brings hope to me and to a lot of people. It’s my home.


The 5th annual Run For Women is a virtual celebration that allowed people from all parts of the province to participate between Sept 18–27. We’re grateful to Shoppers Drug Mart for reimagining a safe event when mental health support for vulnerable women, like our participants at Naomi Centre and Just Us Women’s Centre, is needed more than ever.

September 28, 2020

Strategic Plan 6-Month Action Item session for staff in-person at Gower St United.

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October 2020

October 2020


September 29, 2020

The 1st meeting of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) staff committee takes place at the Heart Garden on Government House grounds, in memory of all Indigenous children who were lost to the residential school system.

October 5, 2020

City of St. John’s make free public Wifi available at Bannerman and Victoria Park to support vulnerable people.

October 3, 2020

Hungry Heart Café prepares 300 meals for Employment Services participants & other community members experiencing food insecurity, made possible by the Embassy & Consulates of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada as part of German Unity Day Celebrations.


Pictured below: past board member Signe Sharwey & HHC catering assistant Daphney Loveless.

October 6, 2020

Memorial University awards Lisa Browne 2020 Alumna of the Year.

October German Embassy .jpg


therapeutic and life skills groups are offered.


Emmanuel House operates a 24/7 phone line for any Stella’s Circle participant to use when they need support. This year, the line received 1,067 phone calls,

an increase of 37%

over previous years.


Being able to call Emmanuel House to connect during these times has been a positive light in my life.

Emmanuel House launches a new slow cooker project to promote heathy lifestyle habits for residents. Offered in collaboration with nutritionists and dieticians from Eastern Health and Sobeys, the residents meet over Zoom using donated tablets to learn about good nutrition, grocery shopping, and budgeting tips. After each virtual session, they prepare new slow cooker recipes together using produce grown in Emmanuel House’s own garden. Each participant receives their own slow cooker and recipe book at the end of the project to continue these life skills after their stay at Emmanuel House.

October 22, 2020

Members of the Premier’s Economic Recovery team announced.

October 21, 2020

Stella’s Circle Housing Services Division releases RFP for in-depth analysis of opportunities for the organization to increase its existing affordable housing portfolio from 79 units to 100 units by 2025.

November 2020

November 2020

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November 20, 2020

Our new Equity Employer statement is added to Stella’s Circle job advertisements.

Shane Bruce found employment during COVID-19 for the first time in adulthood. Now 43 years old, he’s excited to start his new job, thanks to lots of support from his employment counsellor, Erin. We asked Shane what working means to him:


“A job means food, clothing, and most of all, having structure in my life. Having meaning. To get up with the initiative to go to work. Not working takes the good out of you, but that’s not going to be the case anymore for me. Work has been a dream of mine, and now it’s coming true.

In 6 months, I can see bills getting paid and getting a couple things I like. After a year working, I’ll be happy. And in the future, I’ll own my own home. I won’t need to look for a place to live and my son can also have home as he grows up. It means a lot.


November 3, 2020

80 of Stella’s Circle staff safely attend an All-Staff meeting at the Emera Innovation Centre to review our strategic plan and take a FACE COVID wellness workshop.


Stella’s Circle purchases 135 Cabot Street, with plans to develop the home into individual housing units for participants experiencing or at risk of homelessness with mental health needs. Housing Services, Property & Development, and Community Support Program staff will help support the tenants so that they can live independently in their community. These units move us closer to our goal of increasing our housing portfolio.

November 23, 2020

NL announced 1st COVID-19 case within the school system.

November 23, 2020

Premier Furey announces Atlantic Bubble is suspended.


November 26, 2020

We begin implementing Peer Support across the organization, thanks to a grant from the Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund. The 1st of 10 training sessions is offered through a new partnership with local expert agency CHANNAL.

December 2020

December 2020

December 1, 2020

Our 6th annual Light Up Hope takes place as a virtual celebration streamed to over 2,000 viewers.

December Light Up Hope.jpeg

We raise double the hope by matching donations up to $10,000, thanks to Lemur Vehicle Monitors joining our signature holiday event with Bluedrop Learning Networks. Everyone’s favourite elements from our in-person celebration were brought to life virtually through our reimagined Light Up Hope At Home, including a fire juggling show! Julia Halfyard and Peter Halley from Festival 500’s Growing the Voices returned to lead a virtual singalong with the Stella’s Circle Inclusion Choir. Hungry Heart holiday treats and glowsticks from TakeChargeNL helped people safely celebrate from the comfort of their own home. Light Up Hope At Home was a timely reminder of the importance of hope for all of us.

Long-time donor Margot Brown delivers hampers from her group of community-minded friends to Jill Peckford, Program Manager at Naomi Centre. These gifts will make sure each young woman can open new pajamas, warm socks, and some beauty supplies at Christmas while finding emergency shelter with us.

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December 7, 2020

The Hungry Heart Café and Employment Services staff hand out 300 takeaway turkey dinners to our participants to safely celebrate the season and offer some fellowship in lieu of our indoor Alternative Service.

December Turkey takeout.jpeg

Stella’s Circle, Eastern Health, and Compass One Healthcare launch a new partnership to provide real work experiences and create social impact. Together we embark on a plan to prepare 8,000 takeaway traditional cold plates to give to all Eastern Health staff members as a COVID-friendly replacement for their annual holiday dinner. For this enormous undertaking, a team of Stella’s Circle participants are hired and trained to assist with the cold plate preparation. Eastern Health staff enjoy meals as a thank you for a year of tremendous service, made extra delicious by the side of social justice. The project provides participants who have barrier to employment with new skills, confidences, and experiences — helping make future employment for them a reality. The best social program is a job!

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January 2021

Ann Marie has been an active participant in the Community Support Program at Stella’s Circle for 6 years. When the pandemic began, Ann Marie struggled with isolation, a disrupted routine, and the loss of community connection. “I was having a really hard time dealing with having to stay in because of COVID.”


CSP redesigned its services to maintain connection with participants, and to keep safely delivering core programming, such as medication delivery. Ann Marie found support in the many phone call appointments, rain-or-shine door step visits, at-home craft supply drop offs, and the friendly support of our staff.

December 11, 2020

The 16-week RBC Future Launch group, offering youth pre-employment skills training, concludes with a graduation ceremony.

January 2021

January Tree Chipping.jpg

January 9, 2021

2nd annual Tree Chipping event in partnership with Old Earth Arborists and Kings Gate Condominiums to recycle Christmas trees as mulch for our summer garden programs.

All of these things are so important to me. A great big thank you to all of Stella’s Circle for what you all do.

January Ann Marie.jpg

January 11, 2021

Masters of Applied Psychology student from Memorial University begins work at Stella’s Circle to use qualitative and quantitative research to inform an updated organization-wide evaluation model.


Stella’s Circle Inclusion Choir starts meeting weekly for online rehearsals. In addition to some musical games, the time together reminds everyone of the importance of have a safe space to belong.

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January 27, 2021

Stella’s Circle ABE class write fortune cookie inspired messages that will be included in the Hungry Heart’s Chinese New Year takeout meals.

January 28, 2021

CBC St. John’s Morning Show interviews Lisa Browne on the province’s economic crisis and recovery to consider how it will affect vulnerable people.


57 media stories in 2020/21.

February 2021

February 2021


101 participants

are placed and supported in affordable housing through the Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre.

75 of whom were new clients.


16 new landlords

supported this year for a total of 50.


1,900 Case Management activities

took place this year to support housing placement and housing stability.


February BMHRC.jpg

February 10, 2021

NL reports a single-day high of 53 new cases. NL English School District suspends all in-person instruction.

February 11, 2021

NL announces 100 new cases. In-person voting in the NL general election postponed indefinitely.

February 12, 2021

NL declares return to lockdown and Alert Level 5 measures due to the B117 variant. Provincial election makes Canadian history as first vote by mail-in ballot.

Our Property and Development team demonstrate courage every day of the pandemic. Without them, our programs could not operate. They’ve added daily disinfections of high touch areas to their schedules in addition to increased cleanings.

February property and dev.jpg

February 13, 2021

Stella’s Circle releases public statement “(Dis)counting the votes of marginalized citizens.”

February 17, 2021

Director of Clinical Services Denise Hillier provides staff workshop on Compassion Fatigue.


February 15 & 16, 2021

Our annual Pancake Breakfast to help fight homelessness switches to takeout only. The Hungry Heart Café sells record number of pancakes! Funds raised support our programs at the Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre.

17 individuals

moved out of homelessness.

February 28, 2021

VOCM Morning Show interviews Melanie Hickey, Program Coordinator at BMHRC about their remarkable success during 2nd lockdown.

March 2021

March 2021


Employment Services partners with the former provincial Department of Immigration, Skills, and Labour for the first delivery of Transitions To Work with digital access. All group participants receive a Chromebook for instruction and to keep upon completion. This timely piece of technology is critical to continue learning during the 2nd wave of COVID-19 and suspension of in-person learning. In addition to gaining skills to enter the workforce and find employment, the participants also benefit from regular meal deliveries and contact with Employment Services staff by phone calls, text, and a dedicated Facebook group.

March 2, 2021

Director and Manager of Employment Services Rob McLennan and Sarah Mills join the United Church of Canada’s Guaranteed Living Incoming provincial committee.

Thanks for the Chrome Book and headphones. I really appreciate that. They were helpful in making my resume, and I can now look for work online.


TTW taught me don’t be scared, the sky’s the limit. I know I will be reaching for the stars because I can!

March 8, 2021

Verafin celebrates International Women’s Day with a donation to Naomi Centre, which helps provides new beds to all resident rooms.


March 8, 2021

41 staff take part in virtual Indigenous Cultural Humility training provided by First Light.

March 13, 2021

All areas of NL enter a lower alert level.

March 15, 2021

Frontline staff begin taking part in virtual CHANNAL peer support training sessions.



Meals Squared

are prepared by the Hungry Heart Café team during 1 year of COVID-19 to combat hunger for vulnerable people.


Volunteers from the Canada Revenue Agency completed and filed taxes for

64 participants.


127 participants

were supported to maintain employment throughout COVID-19, and 110 took part in training.



participants took part in Employment Services programming in 2020/21.



participants secured new jobs and 5 returned to school in 2020/21.

March 23, 2021

80 staff gather on Zoom for our first virtual All Staff Meeting to learn about our roots in recovery, and work on the 13 factors from the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety.


March 18, 2021

ABE classes return to in-person learning.


Research continues through our partnerships with the NL Workforce Innovation Centre to understand how digital literacy and access to technology can increase labour market attachment in vulnerable populations. Clean Start’s participation in the project generates a positive first round of formal evaluation. When measuring job satisfaction before the introduction of mobile tools and technology and after, over half of the participants identify an increased level of satisfaction, with none reporting decreased satisfaction. The remaining 2 Clean Start cohorts will participate in the project late in 2021, marking the project’s final experimental phase.


I appreciate all the gestures over the past year especially the kindness and risks that you and the others showed from preparing meals, to dropping them off to our houses during this pandemic. Hope I see you all soon. Thanks for being there.

March Managers at end.jpg


Benefactor $100,000 – $499,999
Shoppers Love You.png

Partner $25,000 – $99,999

Canadian Women Foundation Logo.jpg

Anonymous (2)

A. Bryant Harding Family Fund


Builder $10,000 – $24,999

Eve Roberts

Leo Browne Memorial Fund

NLCU Charitable Foundation

​Rebecca Roome & Doug Smith

The Margaret Penney Mental Wellness Fund

United Way of Newfoundland and Labrador — 
 “The Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund”

VOCM Cares Foundation

Associate $1,000 – $9,999

Anonymous (23)

Aimee Surprenant

Association of Seafood Producers

Barbara Fong

Barry & Nadine Perry

Bell Let’s Talk

Bluedrop Learning Networks Inc.

Brad Greene & Victoria Warford

Cathy & Corey White

Charlene Brophy

Christine & Kris Aubrey-Bassler

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Derek Keeping

Derm & Mary Browne

Dianne & Len Knox

Donna Stone

Dr. Jasbir Gill

Ed & Marylou Martin

Elinor Ratcliffe C.M., O.N.L., LLD (hc)

Food First NL

Furniture Market

Gail Hamilton

Graham Roome

Harvey Parsons

Heather Duggan & Alan Cook

Insurance Bureau of Canada

Jim & Carolyn Marshall

Jocelyn Greene

John Reardon

Karl Smith & Karen Hurtubise

Kenny’s Pond/Tiffany Village TVRR Partnership

Lemur Vehicle Monitors

Lisa Browne & Tim Hollett

Louise Bradley

Luke O’Brien

Mark MacLeod & Roberta DiDonato

Martin Entz

Michelle & Kevin Sullivan

Milton Vokey

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro


Pamela Ryder Lahey

Patsy Tremblett

 Prima Information Solutions

Paul Antle & Renee Marquis Antle

Robert Bishop

Rotary Club of St. John’s

Sheila Crosbie & Family

Sheila Strickland & Sheri McConnell

Susan & Tom Foran

Terry Burgoyne

The Community Foundation of
 Newfoundland and Labrador

The Home Depot Canada Foundation

The Honourable Justice James
  Susan Adams

The O’Neill Family Foundation

Tiretec WheelTEC

United Church of Canada Foundation —
 Gifts With Vision


Vanessa Newhook


Yvonne Earle

In Kind

Dave Hiscock

Penney Kia

Perfect Day



Up Sky Down Films


City of St. John’s


Community Housing
Transformation Centre


Eastern Health


Government of Canada

Correctional Services Canada

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Department of Children, Seniors
 and Social Development

Department of Health

 and Community Services

Department of Immigration,
 population Growth and Skills

Department of Justice and Public Safety

Newfoundland & Labrador
Housing Corporation


The United Church
of Canada Mission
and Service Fund

Year in Giving


The financial information in this annual report is a component of our complete audited financial statements which are available on our website at or by calling 709-738-7730.



You can help Stella’s Circle in our mission to transform lives through Real Homes, Real Help, and Real Work. Donations can be made on a one-time or monthly basis, or on a customized schedule to suit your needs.

Ways to Donate


Via phone at



By mail or in person at
142 Military Road,

St. John’s, NL A1C 2E6

Planned Giving

Planned giving refers to charitable gifts that require some planning. They are promised today and given in the future. Planned gifts may work for you, since there are tax benefits. The most common form of planned gifts are:


Bequest: a gift through your will

Gifts of Securities: a gift through publicly traded stocks, bonds or mutual funds

Gifts of Insurance: a gift through a life insurance policy


For more information about how to arrange a planned gift for Stella’s Circle, contact Cathy White at: or (709) 738-7730.


Stella’s Circle Administration Office and Foundation Office

The Jocelyn Greene Centre

142 Military Road, St. John’s, NL A1C 2E6




© 2021 by Stella's Circle. 

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